
The note instance. Note(pos,text,options)

Param Type Description
pos Point the logical coordinates of the note
text string the note/comment text
options NoteOptions optional the other note options

Get or set the note's unique id.

Kind: instance property of Note

Returns: string - returns the note id


Get the note position coordinate in the diagram view.

Kind: instance property of Note

Returns: object - returns the note position coordinate


Get or set the note/comment text.

Kind: instance property of Note

Returns: string - returns the text of the note


Get the shape's type of the note. Default value is 36.

Kind: instance property of Note

Returns: int - returns the shape's type


Get the parent shape of the note.

Kind: instance property of Note

Returns: Shape - returns the parent shape


Get or set the moveable value. If the value is true, the note object is moveable in the diagram.

Kind: instance property of Note

Returns: boolean - returns true or false


The optional settings which will be used to create a Note object

Kind: instance property of Note


Name Type Default Description
color string #000000 the font color
family string Verdana the font name
size number 12 the font size
bgColor string the background color, default is transparent
lineColor string #FF0000 the color of the border line or the arrow line
borderStyle number 1 the border style, enumeration values: None=0, Underline=1, FullBorder=2
showArrow boolean true if you want to show the arrow with the note
arrowPosition Point the arrow position, it always be set by the system

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